It really is the little things that make us happy.
We normally work in a smallish studio space with 1 minor window. One day it dawned on us that our studio is connected to a spacious patio–so why aren’t we working on the patio?, we asked ourselves eventually.
The answer came when it was 100 degrees outside and we realized that the surrounding trees dropped treasures year round. We responded to that with fans and an awning.
Then the first rain helped us to comprehend the difference between water-proof- and weather-resistant- awnings.
We have really been loving the outdoor annex, as we fondly refer to it, so didn’t want to give it up just because they don’t make plastic sheeting big enough to cover a pyramid-roofed 10 ft awning. Along came another discovery via Amazon–lovely 6-mil extra large plastic sheeting does exist…online.
With the recent rain (and more to come!), we’re delighted to say that our tarp arrived yesterday. Hurray!
Yup, we find so much joy in the little everyday things. While working, we can continue to hear the birds, to feel the recent chill in the air, and to find amusement in the dogs alerting each other to squirrel antics–all this and staying dry too!