Coming to you Live!, from Ramona Paloma Tile Studios…HQ.
And it is Hot in here! Unfortunately, our studio is not currently sporting an air conditioner. With today and yesterday in the 100+ degree range, we were a bit concerned about our brains malfunctioning.
Late yesterday afternoon it struck us!…let’s create a swamp cooler–effective and cheap. So this morning, we got the dogs out nice and early for our hilly walk and discussed our approach to keeping ourselves cool. When we arrived back to the studio, we got another brilliant idea! Maybe we can create the same effect in a different way that will be quicker and probably more fun.
Yes, we responsible, grown-up women ran through the sprinklers…again and again and again. The dogs chose not to…I almost think they looked embarrassed for us. Once we were fully and undeniably drenched, we sat down to work in the studio–in our soggy clothes. We didn’t even need the fans. It was a miracle. We were our own personal swamp coolers. Both of us had a marvelous, productive day in the studio–able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…well, almost like that.
okay, so this is not exactly us…but it is about the age we felt.
Happy Autumn Equinox–hope we can celebrate the cooler weather soon.