Thank you for coming by to see us at Creative Arts Group over the weekend of November 2 – 4.
Tracy and I had such a nice weekend visiting with you guys.
We met lots of new people and treasured the visits of known friends.
We talked dogs (how can we not?),
heard tales of old VW’s that were finally given away after a long time in the garage (but so missed),
the superiority of the feline over the canine was mentioned (political hotbed…that one),
we pondered the differences between an anteater and an aardvark,
considered that mermaids could be both of the rabbit-kind and the human-ish kind…is there a rule?,
conducted philosophical discussions about who’s bowl it actually was–the cat’s or the dog’s…
And one charming admirer wondered where a dog in a canoe might go…?
**Thank you! You guys are the best!
Tracy and I are lucky to know you.
Please keep an eye out for more info about our upcoming show in Eagle Rock on Sunday, Nov. 25.