Hey Tracy, lets take advantage of the lighter schedule of summer…let’s change it up a bit.
How about trying something new Soozee?…let’s go on a field trip!…or maybe take a class…
Awesome idea, Tracy!
So, for our first summer field trip, we trekked out to American woodworker Sam Maloof’s place in Rancho Cucamonga. (You know Sam–famous for his beautifully honed wood chairs and design esthetic). We were there to catch an outdoor sculpture show–about 40 artists showing a diverse sampling of garden art. We admired the artful expressions sprinkled throughout the water-wise garden and meandering paths around house that Sam Maloof built–pretty cool.
We were inspired?…I’ll answer that this way–like bread, inspiration takes a little time to rise…all that visual input is in there, rearranging it’s little molecules, puffing itself up…and will be ready, when it’s ready.
In the meantime, a little slide show for you–