Tracy’s first tile!

My first tile ever made…a tree.  Who doesn’t like a tree?  Like most of my inspirations this one happened purely by chance.  This winter while pruning our mulberry tree (dear husband the pruner, me the gatherer of the pruned) I  noticed that each branch had lots of little branches that by themselves looked like wonderful miniature trees.  With hundreds to choose from I madly collected the best ones before they all got trampled on and then snapped their picture.  The tiles are approximately 4″x5″, glazed in a variety of colors and are either strung with copper wire or have a notch in the back for hanging.   And now you know how the tree came to be.

introducing Greta, in her many identities

Meet Greta.  She seems relaxed and unfazed, no matter what her situation.

Greta originated as a painted rock.  I first saw the actual cow on a green Hawaiian hill top–and I thought…dairy cows in Hawaii–cool.

cow rock for Mary'sLater, a new friend acquired a wonderful cafe in our canyon–Mary’s Market. Carolyn is a wonderful cook, and a creative business woman.  Lo and behold–guerrilla advertising.  A bunch of large stones  and paints were soon made available to all hungry passersby  and the Mary’s Market rocks began showing up all over town.

Soon Greta morphed into a tile design–she was a natural.  Each tile is about 3-1/2″ in width and 4-1/4″ in height…thickness 3/8″.  Greta is always outfitted with a hanging notch on the back.

flower tile from Soozee

These “flower” tiles range from 4-1/2″ or 5″ in width  by 6″-7″ in height.  Each one is estimated at 3/8″ in thickness.  The color combinations can vary greatly, giving an entirely different look.

bird tile from Soozee

These little guys were the beginning of my ceramic tile adventure.  Little garden birds with their puffy chests and lovely chirps and tweets.  Little birds are so industrious while being charming and beautiful.  Who doesn’t want to be charming while accomplishing great tasks?

Some are fitted with wire hangers (not shown) whereas others hang from a notch in the back.  Each is about 3″ by 3″ but actually varies slightly, due to the individually hand-cut nature of the process.

Welcome to Ramona Paloma Tile Studios!

Greetings and welcome to our new site.  Please stay tuned for information about our handmade ceramic art tile.  We have photographs coming soon, news about gallery events and find out what’s happening in the studio.

light classic trees