Okay, I admit it. I grew up watching Batman and Robin (the 60’s version with the big POW and WHAM words that were splashed over the tv screen). So please forgive the reference.
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this, but I (Soozee) do most of the writing here. So, I want to take a moment to mention two things:
first, I want to say hello and thanks to some of the nice people we met at the Garden Tour which includes Susie, Christina, Carol, Roberta, Kathy, Jill, Jan, Eva, Sharon, Dale (and company), Barbara, Clare, Deidra, Maurial, Betty, Meagan, Ligia, and Anita. And thanks to our friends Wendy and Todd for their constant support and excellent feedback. We also enjoyed meeting a few people that we never got the names of…Happy Easter to all!
secondly, I want to gush and make a fuss about Tracy’s mad, Kung-Fu woodworking skills.
We sit down together for our every-other-weekly-meetings… and brainstorm. One of the aspects of showing tile that challenges our little brains is…display. I think all artists struggle with the best way to show their work. The totally cool part for me is that Tracy and I think it up, then she goes into her workshop and…zip-zing…conjures up frames and display pieces! It’s miraculous!
Last weekend, we were invited to show at the “Art of the Garden” tour. We were given very specific measurements that our whole display (and our selves) had to fit within. We saw right away that our previous set-up would not allow us to show very many tile in this tight configuration…hence the lengthy design and re-design on paper, that birthed the pieces below. (We were ready to bring only one chair which we would have to take turns sitting in…since there was no room for 2 seats–the other idea was to place the chairs in a front and back position–like sitting on a bus–really, I’m not kidding. Art comes first!)
I digress…back to Tracy. She had some cedar fence posts that had been hanging out by the garage for a few years. They were perfectly “seasoned” for our needs. She whipped up these little numbers in no time and they were perfect and very stable. Tracy–you rock!